Happy Fur-Dad's Day!

We're celebrating all the Fur-Dads in our midst this Father's Day.
So this is the perfect chance for us to introduce the ultimate Fur-Dad in the gummi team - Troy, our Retail Manager at our flagship store in Prahran, and the fur-baby that completes his family, Storm.
Tell us a bit about Storm
Storm is a Malchi = Maltese/Chihuahua. We’ve had her for almost 2 years, she was a wedding present from friends of ours and the best present we could have asked for.
How has Storm changed your life?
Stormi has changed our life in so many ways! Probably the biggest is me changing jobs and working for gummi. I was obsessed with the brand when I discovered it while I was shopping for my new puppy, and I now work here. I have never been happier and this is all because of my little Storm.
As a Fur Dad, what’s your favourite thing about Storm?
I love her personality - it constantly makes us laugh; the way she sneezes for attention and gives us no personal space. She makes us laugh every day and brings us so much joy.